TSC Announces Replacement of Acting Teachers with Promoted Staff

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In a recent development, the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has made the decision to replace acting teachers with promoted staff members who were previously unsuccessful in securing promotions. This change affects teachers serving in various administrative roles such as senior teachers, senior masters, deputy headteachers, deputy principals, headteachers, and principals.

Last year, the Commission advertised 36,505 promotion slots, with successful candidates now receiving promotion letters through their respective county directors. Notably, the promotion process has been underway since January, with a significant number of deputies assuming acting headteacher and principal roles amidst substantial retirements within the sector.

To ensure smooth transitions and prevent vacancies in schools, TSC has directed county and sub-county directors to oversee the process diligently. The promotion interviews, conducted between December and January, involved approximately 150,000 shortlisted teachers.

Successful candidates must submit five mandatory Chapter six documents, including a valid Certificate of Good Conduct, clearance from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB), Tax Compliance Certificate from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), and a Clearance Certificate from an approved Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).

Furthermore, TSC has indicated that promoted deputy and headteachers may be posted outside their current sub-counties, while senior teachers are likely to fill vacancies within their respective sub-counties. Those promoted through confirmation will continue serving in schools where they have been acting.

For unsuccessful candidates, regret letters will be issued as evidence of interview attendance. This initiative aims to streamline the staffing process within the education sector, ensuring efficiency and promoting career progression among educators.

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